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Professional Services Centre – Professional Services Centre
At the Professional Services Centre you are guaranteed a high level of service delivered by a number of specialists in their respective Our motto ' A Commitment to Your Wellbeing ' sums up our mission statement and indeed we pride ourselves in offering a wide range of services offered by equally committed specialists in their respective field. Mr Andrew Mercieca graduated as a medical doctor in Dissertation consultation services nottingham finished his urology specialist training in after obtaining his Fellowship of the European Board of Urology.
His main area of interest is male reproductive health, specifically male factor infertility. He is also a Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine, a Member of the European Society of Sexual Medicine, a member of the British Fertility Society and member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
He has graduated with distinction from Leeds University with Master of Science degree in Clinical Embryology. GU Services not only for STIs Our GU clinic offers Comprehensive, one stop, discrete, confidential Sexual Health services which deal with a wide range of sexual health problems Read More Because women's health matters Our centre offers, a whole range of services designed to take care of women's health at each stage of your life Read More Because even men need regular checks We dissertation consultation services nottingham a whole range of well person checks for both men and women at any stage of life Read More Committed to your wellbeing Professional Services Centre Group Practice Read More '; document.
getElementsByTagName 'head' [0]. appendChild htmlDiv. childNodes[0] ; } '; document, dissertation consultation services nottingham. childNodes[0] ; }. The Team A commitment to your wellbeing. Services a holistic approach to your wellbeing. Clinic Schedule Priority for caring.
About Us We do it with Care and Commitment. Our Team. Dr Wilfred Galea graduated from the University of Malta in He pursued his postgraduate training in Family medicine in He started private practice in and founded the Professional Services Centre in He is a founder member and fellow of the Malta College of Family Doctors and was also a founder member of the Association of Private Family Doctors.
He founded and has been actively managing TheSynapse Network for medical Professionals and cme eu a dedicated eLearning continuing medical education service for medical professionals. Dr Corinne Markham graduated in Medicine in and after finishing her two year internship at Malta General Hospital St Luke'sshe spent 7 years working at the Accident and Emergency Department. Acute Medicine was always her passion and she attained her Diploma in Immediate Medical Care from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, dissertation consultation services nottingham.
Currently Dr Markham has a Group Practice together with Dr Wilfred Galea. Operating from Dingli this practice is enjoying growing popularity because of the widespread preventive services which are offered and also because of continuity of care Dr Markham is the proud mother of two young adults who are presently reading engineering courses at University. Dr Gabriel Gauci graduated as a medical doctor from the University of Malta in Since then, he has worked in a variety of medical and surgical settings as part of his ongoing medical training.
He is enthusiastic about the provision of care in a dissertation consultation services nottingham setting and is a strong believer of preventative medicine. He regular participates in professional dissertation consultation services nottingham courses and co-authored a number of peer-reviewed publications.
He is currently undergoing specialisation training in family medicine. Ms Erica Bonello graduated as a speech and language pathologist from the University of Malta in She first worked as a Learning Support Educator with students with learning disabilities and later worked as a Speech and Language Pathologist with a local entity which delivers programs for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and young adults with Profound Multiple Learning Disabilities, dissertation consultation services nottingham.
Erica is currently working at Mount Carmel Hospital whereby she delivers services to adults with dysphagia swallowing difficulties as well as youths presenting with communication difficulties. Erica strives to help individuals reach their full potential dissertation consultation services nottingham achieve their personal goals, all whilst employing evidence-based practice and ensuring a holistic approach.
Dr Joseph Spiteri graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Malta in He subsequently studied Psychiatry at Oxford University UK where he obtained membership of the Royal College of Psychiatry in In he obtained an MBA Anglia Ruskin University after a dissertation on Psychiatric Services in Malta.
He is also a member of the faculty of Medical Management and Leadership U. Currently, he is a consultant Psychiatrist with special intent in Forensic and Old age psychiatry. He is also the deputy chair at the department of Psychiatry and senior lecturer at the University of Malta. Dr Kelvin Cortis is a Consultant radiologist with a special interest in hepatobiliary imaging and interventional oncology.
He graduated as a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery in and started radiology training in Malta, following which he subspecialised in the Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione ISMETT, Palermo and Kings College Hospital Dissertation consultation services nottingham. Dr Cortis is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland MRCSIa fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists FRCRand a Fellow of the European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology ESGAR.
He also holds the European Diploma in Radiology EDiRa Master degree in Cancer Therapeutics, and an ESGAR Certificate of Excellence in Abdominal Radiology. Dr Donia Gamoudi graduated from dissertation consultation services nottingham Malta Medical School as a doctor of medicine and surgery in After working for 6 years in Malta in various medical and surgical specialties, she moved to the United Kingdom where she furthered her specialist training in Genitourinary Medicine at the Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust for 3 years.
She then dissertation consultation services nottingham a Consultant in Genito-Urinary Medicine in Malta in Her work led to a specialisation in the field of sexually transmitted infections STIsHIV, contraception and psychosexual medicine, dissertation consultation services nottingham. During her training, Dr Gamoudi also obtained 3 diplomas in Genitourinary Medicine, HIV Medicine and Sexual and Reproductive health, and presented on various topics at both local and international conferences.
She is keen on teaching and taught the HIV and STI modular courses to various medical students and other healthcare professionals. Donia is an active member of the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV BASHHdissertation consultation services nottingham, British HIV Association BHIVA and the International Union against STIs IUSTI. She is also the first author of the European guideline on the organisation of a consultation for sexually transmitted infections.
Mr Dorian Xuereb is a specialist orthopaedic and trauma surgeon with a special interest in injuries as well as hip and knee reconstructive surgery. Mr Xuereb graduated from University of Malta in and trained in Oxford, UK. He completed his specialist training in general orthopaedics in He has followed a clinical Fellowship at the trauma unit at the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford, where he returned for a consultant job at the same hospital one year later.
His areas of interest include injuries fractures and sport injuriesas well as joint reconstruction of the hips and knees joint replacements as well as revisions. He is a member of the Association of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeons of Malta, dissertation consultation services nottingham.
Other commitments include a post as a visiting lecturing post to teach medical students. He is a keen sportsperson himself with many interests including the great outdoors. Mr Dorian Xuereb areas of expertise: Injury and fracture treatment Trauma Knee injuries Sport injuries Revision hip replacement Revision knee replacement Knee replacement Hip replacement. Ms Geraldine Ellul Bonici is a registered Systemic Couple and Family Therapist.
After serving in the nursing profession in the late-eighties and early-nineties for about a decade, Ms Ellul Bonici decided to further her studies in Psychology, dissertation consultation services nottingham.
She read for an dissertation consultation services nottingham degree B. Since achieving her first degree in Psychology, Ms Ellul Bonici started working in the Mental Health Services MHS at community level at the Outreach Services, where she visited and supported families in their homes and in their community.
Ms Ellul Bonici is currently providing her services at the Psychology Department at Dissertation consultation services nottingham Carmel hospital, at the Psychiatric Outpatients and in the Community Clinics. She is also a member of the Befriending programme and of the Acute Response Team ARTwhere she supports mental dissertation consultation services nottingham users and their families. Ms Ellul Bonici has set up her private practice and provides her service at various localities.
She carries out individual, dissertation consultation services nottingham, couple, family and group therapy through Systemic practice. Ms Emily Sammut is recognized as a Registered Dietitian by the Maltese Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science honours degree in Applied Food and Nutritional Sciences from the University of Malta and then went on to receive her Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics.
Ms Sammut uses evidence-based research on food, health and dissertation consultation services nottingham and translates this into practical guidance to help people make appropriate lifestyle and food choices.
The goal of the dietitian is to help anyone looking to improve their health by improving their diet. Dr Pace graduated MD from the University of Malta in After completing his basic medical training locally, dissertation consultation services nottingham moved to the UK where he read towards a PhD in health outcome measurement at the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth.
He subsequently completed his CCST in neurology in the southwest of England before moving to Greater Manchester in to work as consultant neurologist with a special interest in multiple sclerosis. In he moved back to Malta to take up his current role as consultant neurologist at Gozo General and Karen Grech Hospitals.
Mr Robert Camilleri graduated with honours in and joined our team, at The Professional Services Centre, dissertation consultation services nottingham, in Over the years Robert has gained extensive experience in clinical, institutional, and outpatient settings and is always striving to update his body of knowledge through courses, both local and abroad.
He has a special interest in general musculoskeletal conditions and their treatment including the spine, shoulder and knees, dissertation consultation services nottingham.
Robert has also been working within the rheumatology unit since and he regularly sees patients suffering from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Fibromyalgia Syndrome. In addition he oversees treatment for clients who have weight management problems leading to reduced exercise tolerance and pain. He is a strong advocate in empowering patients through education and self motivation to prevent rather than cure. Mr Joseph N. Borg Consultant Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgeon is Head of Spinal services at Mater Dei University Hospital in Malta He qualified from The University of Malta in and after dissertation consultation services nottingham his basic surgical training in Malta he transferred to The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in London.
In he entered the North Thames East Rotation where he was trained in all aspects of trauma and elective orthopaedic surgery. In he was awarded the AO International Spine Fellowship from all of the UK and transferred to the Spine Education and Research Institute in Denver, dissertation consultation services nottingham, Colorado, USA to work with Mike Janssen AO Spine Chairman and in Dissertation consultation services nottingham he was attached to Professor Juergen Harms at The Spine Unit in Heidelberg, Germany.
During that time he devoting time to the treatment of patients with spinal disorders including disc pathology slipped disc and sciaticadegenerative low back pain, spinal dissertation consultation services nottingham trapped nervesspine infections, spinal deformity scoliosis and kyphosisspine tumours and spine fractures-including osteoporotic fractures and cervial spine problems. In he transfered back to Malta to head the Spinal Service, a post which he continues to hold to date.
He has published in speciality journals and lectured nationally and internationally and remains actively involved in clinical education both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He is currently also the Post Graduate Training Co-ordinator. He is a Fellow of the British Orthopaedic Association and the Royal College of Surgeons, member of AO Spine International, AO Alumni TraumaBritish Association of Spinal Surgeons, The British Medical Association and of the Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie.
Dr Mark Abela is a Cardiology registrar practicing at Mater Dei Hospital. He has finished specialty training in Cardiology and has undergone a fellowship in Sports Cardiology and Inherited Cardiac Conditions at St George's Hospital in London. His main academic and clinical interests are athletic cardiac adaptation, cardiac screening, inherited cardiac conditions and cardiac rehabilitation.
He is a University of Malta Graduate, having obtained his MD in He is a member of the Royal College of Physicians of London and is also an MSc Graduate from the University of Edinburgh, dissertation consultation services nottingham.
How to finish a PhD thesis quickly - 5 simple tips to write a thesis in two months!
, time: 12:20Digital Teaching and Learning MA - University of Nottingham

Consultation Fees. Initial Consultation – £ Follow Up Consultation – £ The fee for the initial consultation [case history, examination including a full skin check when appropriate, assessment and discussion] is payable at the time. The secretaries will be happy to discuss fees and methods of payment at the time of making the Our Sustainable Urban Design MArch programme focuses on the design of the public and urban areas. The programme is designed to enable graduates to enhance the quality of cities around the world by bringing innovative design into a new relationship with the latest research The taught element of the course is made up of credits, plus a credit dissertation. It can be completed over one year full-time, or two years part-time, plus an eight-month dissertation. There are PGDip and PGCert exit points. Course reading. National
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