Sep 13, · By Issue Date. Authors. Titles. Subjects. This collection contains some of the theses and dissertations produced by students in the University of Oregon Psychology Graduate Program. Paper copies of these and other dissertations and theses are available through the UO Libraries We have writers from different academic levels (Ph.D. and Master's), so we will be able to provide thesis proposal help to write an undergraduate thesis proposal, as well as a Master's thesis proposal, and of course a PhD thesis proposal online. We also offer a PhD thesis writing services, so no matter what your academic level may be, get in Oct 04, · List of Psychology Dissertation Topics. A biographical narrative study exploring mental ill health through the life course. A closer look into the psychological and psychosocial variables in patients receiving Intrathecal Baclofen. A critical inquiry into the views of professionals working with families, parents and blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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By Issue Date Authors Titles Subjects Publication Type Sponsor Supervisors. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright.
In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. View more. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. Psychology PhD thesis collection Browse By By Issue Date Authors Titles Subjects Publication Type Sponsor Supervisors. Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen ECAS in the assessment of early onset dementia De Icaza Valenzuela, Mónica Mariana The University of Edinburghphd thesis on psychology, Early onset dementia is the gradual cognitive decline that interferes with independence in everyday activities, when it occurs in people younger than 65 years old Fadil et al.
Prenatal maternal infections and children's psychosocial outcomes: a UK cross-cohort analysis Hall, Hildigunnur Anna The University of Edinburgh Previous studies have suggested that children prenatally exposed to infections may be more likely than others to develop conditions such as schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder Phd thesis on psychologyand that this may depend on Multi-method exploration of physical activity, personality and wellbeing in older adults and university students in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom Chan, Bill Cheuk Long The University of Edinburgh While the global life expectancy and number of university students have both increased dramatically since the midth century, previous findings suggest that many older adults and students struggle to live a healthy Mind and matter correlated in a matrix.
Replicating a new method Leal Borges Rapazote Flores, Ana Beatriz ; Flores, Ana The University of Edinburghphd thesis on psychology, The thesis explores whether mind can interact directly with matter, i. The concept, called psychokinesis, phd thesis on psychology, is yet an unexplained phenomenon.
Effects of pro-social motives and reward on children's prospective memory and inhibitory control Magaddino, Chiara The University of Edinburgh Prospective memory PM refers to the ability to remember to perform an intended action in the future whereas inhibitory control IC is defined as the capacity to stop a prepotent or automatic response in favour of a more Pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours: the role of individual differences Soutter, Alistair Raymond Bryce The University of Edinburgh The work within this dissertation primarily focused on what types of people do not care or act pro-environmentally and examined potential mechanisms for promoting pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours.
Chapter Moral foundations conflict task: measuring intuitive conflict between moral foundations using a novel task Ahluwalia, Amrita The University of Edinburgh This thesis represents a body of work to validate the Moral Foundations Conflict Task MFCTa novel measure that aims to probe directly at intuitive conflict between moral foundations.
Moral Foundations Theory MFT Working memory binding: insights from neuroimaging, behavioural and clinical studies Guazzo, Federica The University of Edinburgh Working memory binding WMB entails the integration of phd thesis on psychology sources of information to form and temporarily store coherent object representations or conjunctions.
To date, phd thesis on psychology, cognitive research on binding has mostly Immersive virtual reality methods in cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology: the Virtual Reality Everyday Assessment Lab VR-EAL. an immersive neuropsychological test battery of everyday cognitive functions Kourtesis, Panagiotis The University of Edinburgh In cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology, the collection of cognitive and behavioural data is predominantly achieved by implementing paper-and-pencil and computerized i.
Numerical distinct attributes in Spinoza's Substance Monism Salgado Borge, Antonio The University of Edinburgh Role of object semantics in guiding overt attention of younger and older adults, and AD patients Cimminella, Francesco The University of Edinburgh For decades, vision research has investigated the influence of object semantic information on visual attention by examining eye movements.
However, it has provided contrasting evidence about the extent to which object Linguistic systematicity between phonology, semantics, and orthography in English and Korean Jee, phd thesis on psychology, Hana The University of Edinburgh Language is a complex system with multiple hierarchical subsystems. The current thesis investigates the relation between sub-domains of language: phonology, semantics, and orthography. The dissertation consists of two Bilingualism meets autism: an investigation of executive functions profiles in English-Arabic children Sharaan, Shereen Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed Masry The University of Edinburgh Autism is described as a lifelong neurodevelopmental spectrum condition, with each individual varying in their abilities across social and cognitive domains.
Effects of language phd thesis on psychology and bilingualism on executive functions: influence of exposure, experience and linguistic distance Xia, Lihua The University of Edinburgh The debate as to whether bilingual experience benefits individuals in terms of certain aspects of executive function has received much attention.
The differences on cognitive performance between monolinguals and Virtually in love: the role of romantic anthropomorphism in the digital age Koike, phd thesis on psychology, Mayu Phd thesis on psychology University of Edinburgh Introduction: Romantic relationships are a cornerstone of human nature. Today, the needs and benefits of romantic relationships have the potential to be fulfilled by virtual agents VAs. Although previous psychological When people talk, phd thesis on psychology often wish to refer to a discourse entity that has been previously mentioned.
Nevertheless, they often have several choices about how to do so. This thesis aims to understand the choice of referring Understanding autonomous behaviours in children: an investigation of self-directed cognitive control development Frick, Aurélien Stéphane Alexandre The University of Edinburgh Gaining autonomy is a key aspect of growing up.
However, little is known about how children engage cognitive control in an autonomous or self-directed fashion to achieve goals. The aim of this dissertation is to better How can we help children to learn?
This thesis began with a question: How can we help children to learn? I examined this question by testing four distinct factors proposed to influence learning: number awareness, mindset, stereotyping and conscientiousn Processing of novel grammatical features during real-time second language production and comprehension Gardner, phd thesis on psychology, Qingyuan Liu The University of Edinburgh Second language L2 learners often have difficulties acquiring grammatical features which do not exist in their first language e.
inflectional morphology, number agreement etc. In the face of consciousness: how emotion, orientation, and gaze modulate face perception Lanfranco Guevara, Renzo Carlo The University of Edinburgh Crucially, many studies have claimed that several facial features such as configural facial Search ERA.
This Collection. Login Register. Author Lewis, Gary J. View More Subject Psychology 32 personality 11 attention 9 cognition 9 working memory 9 bilingualism 8 memory 7 psychology 7 ageing 6 dementia View More Date Issued - - Supervisor Della Sala, Sergio 21 Pickering, Martin 19 Branigan, Holly 14 Abrahams, phd thesis on psychology, Sharon 9 Bak, Thomas 9 Deary, Phd thesis on psychology 9 Logie, Robert 9 Bates, Timothy 7 Corley, Martin 7 Watt, Caroline View More Has File s Yes
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Sep 13, · By Issue Date. Authors. Titles. Subjects. This collection contains some of the theses and dissertations produced by students in the University of Oregon Psychology Graduate Program. Paper copies of these and other dissertations and theses are available through the UO Libraries Quality thesis proposal writing help for students. The biggest part of your dissertation or thesis is the thesis proposal. This part requires the most attention from you, as basically it is the whole idea behind your dissertation, the basic point of it, and it defines all other parts of your dissertation Bailey, April H, Men at the Center: Androcentric Bias in Cultural Practices and Cognitive Structure. Boswell, Rebecca G, Food Craving and Its Regulation: Implications for Obesity and Binge Eating Disorder. Casados, Ava T, Understanding Parents’ Judgments of Childhood Mental Illness: Development of the Perceptions of Psychological
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