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When Paxo met Mr Rascal | BBC | The Guardian
Been away. Did I miss anything? Only joking. Yesterday's election news is clearly the best thing to happen since Andrew Sachs checked his answering machine, dizzee rascal and jeremy paxman essay. However, this paradigm shift in global consciousness appears to have done little to raise the spirits of Jeremy Paxman. If his election night grouchiness was bizarre, jarring horribly with the positivity oozing from disbelieving Democrats as the results rolled in, his treatment of Dizzee Rascal on yesterday's Newsnight beggared belief.
Like a sadistic QC determined to dispatch this young ruffian to new digs in Wandsworth, dizzee rascal and jeremy paxman essay, he seemed eager to prove that the overnight improvement in intergenerational, interracial understanding has no place here. Bemused by the response - an articulate blast of common sense touching on Obama's mixed-race background and the role of hip-hop in motivating the youth vote - Paxo suddenly took on a benign air. Now he was an amused anthropologist, studying this curious creature with a cautious good humour.
But he wasn't finished yet. I think a black man, a purple man, a Martian could run the country, as long as he does right by the people. Or cast-iron proof that until the political hierarchy stop looking down their noses, any dreams of racial integration on this side of the pond will remain just that?
Jeremy Paxman should have shown Dizzee Rascal more respect. Paxman's condescending attitude on Newsnight was a reminder of why Barack Obama's success in the polls could not be repeated here. Topics Television TV and radio blog US elections Jeremy Paxman The news on TV Factual TV blogposts. Reuse this content. comments … Commenting has been disabled at this time but you can still sign in or create your Guardian account to join the discussion when it's dizzee rascal and jeremy paxman essay.
Jeremy Paxman - the Art of Asking the Right Question
, time: 1:25:14BBC Two - Newsnight, Dizzee Rascal speaks to Jeremy Paxman

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