Oct 01, · Old age is perplexing to imagine in part because the definition of it is notoriously unstable. As people age, they tend to move the goalposts that mark out major life stages: a survey of There are reports about old people who cannot afford to live in nursing homes and have no child to rely on. So it is the responsibility of the government to help the old. In developed countries, where acute care and institutional long-term-care services are widely available, the use of medical care services by adults rises with age, and per Online Essay Help: A custom essay writing service that sells original assignment help services to students. We provide essay writing services, other custom assignment help services, and research materials for references purposes only. Students should ensure that they reference the materials obtained from our website appropriately
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Colette Hemingway Independent Scholar. Seán Hemingway Department of Greek and Roman Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Between and B. This unprecedented contact with cultures far and wide disseminated Greek culture and its arts, and exposed Greek artistic styles to a host of new exotic influences. The death of Alexander the Great in B. traditionally marks the beginning of the Hellenistic period, essay on old age homes.
New Hellenistic dynasties emerged—the Seleucids in the Near East, the Ptolemies in Egypt However, some Greek essay on old age homes asserted their independence through alliances. The most important of such alliances between several city-states were the Aetolian League in western central Greece and the Achaean League based in the Peloponnesos, essay on old age homes.
During the first half of the third century B. Northern and central Asia Minor was divided into the kingdoms of Bithynia, Galatia, Paphlagonia, Pontus, and Cappadocia. Each of these new kingdoms was ruled by a local dynasty lingering from the earlier Achaemenid Persian empirebut infused with new, Greek elements.
The Attalid royal family of the great city-state of Pergamon reigned over much of western Asia Minor, and an influential dynasty of Greek and Macedonian descent ruled over a vast kingdom that stretched from Bactria to the Far East. In this greatly expanded Greek world, Hellenistic art and culture emerged and flourished. Hellenistic kingship remained the dominant political form in the Greek East for nearly three centuries following the death of Alexander the Great.
Royal families lived in splendid palaces with elaborate banquet halls and sumptuously decorated rooms and gardens. Court festivals and symposia held in the royal palaces provided opportunities for lavish displays of wealth.
Hellenistic kings became prominent patrons of the arts, commissioning public works of architecture and sculpture, as well as private luxury items that demonstrated their wealth and taste.
Jewelryfor example, took on new elaborate forms and incorporated rare and unique stones. New precious and semiprecious stones were available through newly established trade routes. Concurrently, increased commercial and cultural exchanges, and the greater mobility of goldsmiths and silversmiths, led to the establishment of a koine common language throughout the Hellenistic world.
Hellenistic art is richly diverse in subject matter and in stylistic development. It was created during an age characterized by a strong sense of history. For the first time, there were museums and great libraries, such as those at Alexandria and Pergamon Hellenistic artists copied and adapted earlier styles, and also made great innovations. Representations of Greek gods took on new forms The popular image of a nude Aphrodite, for example, reflects the increased secularization of traditional religion.
Also prominent in Hellenistic art are representations of Dionysos, the god of wine and legendary conqueror of the East, as well as those of Hermes, the god of commerce. In strikingly tender depictions, essay on old age homes, Eros, the Greek personification of essay on old age homes, is portrayed as a young child One of the immediate results of the new international Hellenistic milieu was the essay on old age homes range of subject matter that had little precedent in earlier Greek art.
There are representations of unorthodox subjects, such as grotesques, and of more conventional inhabitants, such as children and elderly people These images, as well as the portraits of ethnic people, especially those of Africansdescribe a diverse Hellenistic populace. A growing number of art collectors commissioned original works of art and copies of earlier Greek statues Likewise, increasingly affluent consumers were eager to enhance their private homes and gardens with luxury goods, such as fine bronze statuettes, intricately carved furniture decorated with bronze fittings, stone sculpture, essay on old age homes, and elaborate pottery with mold-made decoration.
These lavish items were manufactured on a grand scale as never before. The most avid collectors of Greek art, however, were the Essay on old age homes, who decorated essay on old age homes town houses and country villas with Greek sculptures according to their interests and taste.
The wall paintings from the villa at Boscorealesome of which clearly echo lost Hellenistic Macedonian royal paintings, and exquisite bronzes By the first century B. The conventional end of the Hellenistic period is 31 B. The Ptolemies were the last Hellenistic dynasty to fall to Rome. Interest in Greek art and culture remained strong during the Roman Imperial periodand especially so during the reigns of the emperors Augustus r. and Hadrian r. For centuries, Roman artists continued to make works of art in the Hellenistic tradition.
Hemingway, essay on old age homes, Colette, and Seán Hemingway. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, —, essay on old age homes. htm April Burn, Lucilla. Hellenistic Art: From Alexander the Great to Augustus.
London: British Museum Press, Pollitt, Jerome J. Art in the Hellenistic Age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Shipley, Graham. The Greek World after Alexander, —30 B. New York: Routledge, Visiting The Met? Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History Essays Art of the Hellenistic Age and the Essay on old age homes Tradition.
Terracotta statuette of a standing woman. Ganymede jewelry. Terracotta statuette of a standing girl. Marble head of a Ptolemaic queen. Terracotta draped woman. Marble head of Athena. Bronze statuette of a essay on old age homes and masked dancer. Bronze statue of Eros sleeping. Marble statue of Aphrodite. Marble Statue Group of the Three Graces. Glass gold-band mosaic alabastron perfume bottle. Marble statue of a draped seated man Signed by Zeuxis as sculptor.
Cubiculum bedroom from the Villa of P. Fannius Synistor at Boscoreale. Marble statue of an old woman. Marble statue of Pan. Marble statue of Herakles seated on a rock. Marble head of Zeus Ammon. Colette Hemingway Independent Scholar Seán Hemingway Department of Greek and Roman Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art April Citation Hemingway, Colette, and Seán Hemingway. htm April Further Reading Burn, Lucilla. Smith, R. Hellenistic Sculpture: A Handbook. Additional Essays by Seán Hemingway Hemingway, Seán.
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, time: 25:46What Old Age Is Really Like | The New Yorker

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