Jun 06, · It means that translation is one activity transferring meaning from one language to another language. So students can understand the meaning by translation Moreover, Catford says that, translation is replacement of textual material in one language (source language or SL) by equivalence textual material in another language (target language or TL).Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins the nature of translation Introduction Translation is a common linguistic concept, since for hundreds of years there have always been different languages present in the world. Partially preserved translations of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is often deemed the first translating work and it was performed as early as around B.C /5(1) THE NATURE OF TRANSLATION Introduction Translation is a common linguistic concept, since for hundreds of years there have always been different languages present in the world. Partially preserved translations of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is often deemed the first translating work and it was performed as early as around B.C 1
The Nature of Translation | KEEP STRUGGLE
Translation has various definitions since in this field many experts have their own idea about the notion of translation. Each of the definition is proposed a the different point of view. It means that translation is one activity transferring meaning from one language to another language. So students can understand the meaning by translation Moreover, Catford says that, translation is replacement of textual material in one language source language or SL by equivalence textual material in another language target the nature of translation or TL.
It means, translation is a process where translator tries to find closest meaning from one language to another language, translator needs much relevance literature and knowledge.
Moreover, translation is a complex skill which needs not only knowledge but also sequence of integral process Furthermore, Nida and Taber concluded the nature of translation as follow : a.
Reproducing a message. Translation purpose is producing the messages. In this case, grammatical and adjusment should be arranged in good order b. Equivalence rather than identity. A translator should focus on reproducing of message rather than conversation of form of utterance c.
Natural equivalence. Closest equivalence. A translator should strive for the closest language equivalent both of the resource language and target language. Priority of meaning. Meaning becomes priority of translation, because translation mainly sends a process of transferring messages.
Sifnificance of style. Thougth style is secondary to content, it is nevertheles important. So, the nature of translation, it can be concluded that translation is a process where the translator the nature of translation try to find out equivalent word and style that becomes objective of translation, the nature of translation.
A meaning of a word should be conveyed as close as natural by using equivalent words. In getting accurate meaning translation not only concern about analyzing linguistic aspect but also concern in culture context.
In translating a text, it is not simply translated because the nature of translation are some important matters that have to be considered. In this context, according to Newmark, a translator has to have a flair and a feel for his own languae. It means that a translator has to transfer the information from the source language into the target language without any ambiguity.
Based on definiton above, it can be concluded that in translation process a translator should try to find the equivalence word and style that become the main objective. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account.
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Nature of Translation Studies - Translation#02 - Denish RD - Ceaseless Learning
, time: 5:34Ecphorizer: The Nature of Translation. Link: blogger.com?issue=92&page= Summary: When we speak of the "nature" of something (such as the "nature" of water as compared to the "nature" of iron), we're using the Latin etymon natura, which seems to derive from the idea of things in the process of being born, Jun 06, · It means that translation is one activity transferring meaning from one language to another language. So students can understand the meaning by translation Moreover, Catford says that, translation is replacement of textual material in one language (source language or SL) by equivalence textual material in another language (target language or TL).Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Translation is communication between humans; however, unlike most human linguistic communication, it is tied to communication between two parties that do not understand one another without the mediation of a middleman – a translator. While most Translation Studies scholars will accept translation as a broad term, comprising not
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