Saturday, November 27, 2021

Student council essay

Student council essay

student council essay

Expository writing is an increasingly important skill for elementary, middle, and high school students to master. This interactive graphic organizer helps students develop an outline that includes an introductory statement, main ideas they want to discuss or describe, supporting details, and a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas Dec 09,  · STUDENT ESSAY: Is Compulsory COVID Vaccination a Violation of Human Rights? Aaron Chia 14 July Kashmir: Public Health and Human Rights Crises Nida S. Zubairi and Omar J. Baqal 6 July Five Years After Security Council’s Resolution to Protect Health Care in Conflict: Still at Zero? Leonard Rubenstein 29 June Nov 15,  · Soal essay conditional sentence type 2, argumentative essay vocabulary words, how i spent my winter holiday essay words essay & council want evaluation on to essay for an i write movies to run student Why. Drugs essay topics. Durkheim social

Student Council Speech - Free Paper Sample

We all have been affected by the current COVID pandemic. However, the impact of the pandemic and its consequences are felt differently depending on our status as individuals and as members of society. While some try to adapt to working online, homeschooling their children and student council essay food via Instacart, others have no choice but to be exposed to the virus while keeping society functioning.

Our different social identities and the social groups we belong to determine our inclusion within society and, by extension, our vulnerability to epidemics.

COVID is killing people on a large scale. As of October 10,more than 7. According to the New York Times database, at leastpeople with the virus have died in the United States. These minorities in the United States are not having their right to health fulfilled.

I recognize that the pandemic has had and is having devastating effects on other minorities as well, but student council essay does not permit this essay to explore the impact on other minority groups.

Employing a human rights lens in this analysis helps us translate needs and social problems into rights, focusing our attention on the broader sociopolitical structural context as the cause of the social problems. Human rights highlight the inherent dignity and worth of all people, who are the primary rights-holders. economic inequality in the US has been increasing for decades and is now among the highest in developed countries … As economic inequality in the US has deepened, so too student council essay inequality in health.

Both overall and government health spending are higher in the US than in other countries, yet inadequate insurance coverage, high-cost student council essay by patients, student council essay, and geographical barriers restrict access to care for many. For instance, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, in This act helped lower the uninsured rate among nonelderly African Americans by more than one-third between andfrom As the COVID virus made its way throughout the United States, testing kits were distributed equally among labs across the 50 states, without consideration of population density or actual needs for testing in those states.

An opportunity to stop the spread of the virus during its early stages was missed, with serious consequences for many Americans. For example, in Kansas, as of June 27, according to the COVID Racial Data Tracker, out of 94, tests, only 4, were from black Americans and 50, were from whites.

And while in Illinois the total numbers of confirmed student council essay among blacks and whites student council essay almost even, the test numbers show a different picture:whites were tested, compared to only 78, blacks.

Approximately The overrepresentation of African Americans among confirmed COVID cases and number of deaths underscores the fact that the coronavirus pandemic, far from being an equalizer, is amplifying or even worsening existing social inequalities tied to race, class, and access to the health care system. Considering how African Americans and other minorities are overrepresented among those getting infected and dying from COVID, experts recommend that more testing be done in minority communities and that more medical services be provided.

Furthermore, minority patients who lack insurance or are underinsured are less likely to be tested for COVID, even when experiencing alarming symptoms. These inequitable outcomes suggest the importance of increasing the number of testing centers and contact tracing in communities where African Americans and other minorities reside; providing testing beyond symptomatic individuals; ensuring that high-risk communities receive more health care workers; strengthening social provision programs to address the immediate needs of this population such as food security, housing, and access to medicines ; and providing financial protection for currently uninsured workers.

In international human rights law, the right to health is a claim to a set of social arrangements—norms, institutions, laws, and enabling environment—that can best secure the enjoyment of this right. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights sets out the core provision relating to the right to health under international law article In spite of growing interest in understanding the association between the social determinants of health and health outcomes, student council essay, for a long time many academics, policy makers, elected officials, student council essay, and others were reluctant to identify racism as one of the root causes of student council essay health inequities.

In some ways, the pandemic has exposed existing racism and discrimination. Data drawn from the Current Population Survey to assess the characteristics of low-income families by student council essay and ethnicity shows that of the 7. These living conditions make it difficult for low-income families to take necessary precautions for their safety and the safety of their loved ones on a regular basis, student council essay.

Low-wage jobs: The types of work where people in some racial and ethnic groups are overrepresented can also contribute to their risk of getting sick with COVID Workers without paid sick leave might be more likely to continue to work even when they are sick.

Similarly, the Centers for Disease Control has noted that many African Americans who hold low-wage but essential jobs such as food service, public transit, and health care are required to continue to interact with the public, student council essay, despite outbreaks in their communities, which exposes them to higher risks of Student council essay infection.

This situation forces low-wage workers to continue to go to work even student council essay they are not feeling well. Some employers allow their workers to be absent only when they test positive for COVID Given the way the virus spreads, by the time a person knows they are infected, they have likely already infected many others in close contact with them both at home and at work.

Homelessness : Staying home is not an option for the homeless. Jails and prisons : Nearly 2. According to the US Bureau of Justice, student council essay, inthe imprisonment rate among black men was 5. It can also increase excess exposure to pollution and environmental hazards, student council essay, which in turn increases the risk for diabetes and heart and kidney diseases. To this effect, sociologist Robert Sampson states student council essay the coronavirus is exposing class and race-based vulnerabilities.

Many of these factors lead to long-term health consequences. The pandemic is concentrating in urban areas with high population density, which are, for the most part, neighborhoods where marginalized and minority individuals live. In times of COVID, student council essay, these concentrations place a high burden on the residents and on already stressed hospitals in these regions.

Strategies most recommended to control the spread of COVID—social distancing and frequent hand washing—are not always practical for those who are incarcerated or for the millions who live in highly dense communities with precarious or insecure housing, poor sanitation, and limited access to clean water.

African Americans have historically been disproportionately diagnosed with chronic diseases such as asthma, hypertension and diabetes—underlying conditions that may make COVID more lethal.

Perhaps there has never been a pandemic that has brought these disparities so vividly into focus. One of the highest risk factors for COVIDrelated death among African Americans is hypertension.

A recent study by Khansa Ahmad et al. analyzed the correlation between poverty and cardiovascular diseases, an indicator of why so many black lives are lost in the current health crisis, student council essay. The authors note that student council essay American health care system has not yet been able to address the higher propensity of lower socioeconomic classes to suffer from cardiovascular disease. These trends existed prior to COVID, but this pandemic has made them more visible and worrisome.

Addressing the impact of COVID on African Americans: A human rights-based approach. Inthe United States signed the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which it ratified in Article 2 of the convention contains fundamental obligations of state parties, which are further elaborated in articles 5, 6, and 7. Perhaps this crisis student council essay not only greatly affect the health of student council essay most vulnerable community members but also focus public attention on their rights and safety—or lack thereof.

These four interrelated elements are essential to the right to health. In the context of this pandemic, it is worthwhile to raise the following student council essay What can governments and nonstate actors do to avoid further marginalizing or stigmatizing this and other vulnerable populations? How can health student council essay and human rights-based approaches ground an effective response to the pandemic now and build a better world afterward?

What can be done to ensure that responses to COVID are respectful of the rights of African Americans? These questions demand targeted responses not just in treatment but also in prevention, student council essay.

The following are just some initial reflections:. First, we need to keep in mind that treating people with respect and human dignity is a fundamental student council essay, and the first step in a health crisis.

This includes the recognition of the inherent dignity of people, the right to self-determination, and equality for all individuals. A commitment to cure and prevent COVID infections must be accompanied by a renewed commitment to restore justice and equity. Second, student council essay, we need to strike a balance between mitigation strategies and the protection of civil liberties, without destroying the economy and material supports of society, especially as they relate to minorities and vulnerable student council essay. Vulnerable populations require direct consideration with regard to the development of policies that can also protect and secure their inalienable rights.

Third, long-term solutions require properly identifying and addressing the underlying obstacles to the fulfillment of the right to health, particularly as they affect the most vulnerable. For example, we need to design policies aimed at providing universal health coverage, paid family leave, and sick leave.

We need to reduce food insecurity, provide housing, and ensure that our actions protect the climate, student council essay. As noted earlier, student council essay, violations of the human rights principles of equality and nondiscrimination were already present in US society prior to the pandemic.

Finally, it is important that we collect meaningful, systematic, and disaggregated data by race, age, gender, and class. Such data are useful not only for promoting public trust but for understanding the full impact of this pandemic and how different systems of inequality intersect, affecting the lived experiences of minority groups and beyond, student council essay.

It is also important that such data be made widely available, so as to enhance public awareness of the problem and inform interventions and public policies.

InDr. Martin Luther King Jr, student council essay. We know from previous experiences that epidemics place increased demands on scarce resources and enormous stress on social and economic systems.

We need a more explicit equity agenda that encompasses both formal student council essay substantive equality. Unfortunately, student council essay, as suggested by the limited available data, student council essay, African American communities and other minorities in the United States are bearing the brunt of the current pandemic.

The COVID crisis has served to unmask higher vulnerabilities and exposure among people of color. A thorough reflection on how to close this gap needs to start immediately. Given that the COVID pandemic is more than just a health crisis—it is disrupting and affecting every aspect of life including family life, education, finances, student council essay, and agricultural production —it requires a multisectoral approach.

We need to build stronger partnerships among the health care sector student council essay other social and economic sectors. Working collaboratively to address the many interconnected issues that have emerged or become visible during this pandemic—particularly as they affect marginalized and vulnerable populations—offers a more effective strategy.

the strength of a healthcare system is inseparable from broader social student council essay that surround it. Health protection relies not only on a well-functioning health system with universal coverage, which the US could highly benefit from, but also on social inclusion, justice, and solidarity. In the absence of these factors, inequalities are magnified and scapegoating persists, with discrimination remaining long after. This current public health crisis demonstrates that we are all interconnected and that our well-being is contingent on that of others.

A renewed and healthy society is possible only if governments and public authorities commit to reducing vulnerability and the impact of ill-health by taking steps to respect, protect, and fulfill the right to health. Maritza Vasquez Reyes, MA, LCSW, CCM, student council essay a PhD student and Research and Teaching Assistant at the UConn School of Social Work, University of Connecticut, Hartford, USA.

Copyright © Vasquez Reyes. Hertel and L, student council essay. Minkler, Economic rights: Conceptual, measurement, and policy issues New York: Cambridge University Press, ; S. Hertel and K. Libal, Human rights in the United States: Beyond exceptionalism Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ; D. Forsythe, Human rights in international relations2nd edition Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Blau and A.

Moncada, Human rights: Beyond the liberal vision Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, Young and A.

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Student Council Speeches - How to write your speech

student council essay

Student government plays an important role in all of our school activities, and it takes an enthusiastic leader with positive attributes to fulfill this position well. A person who has commitment, experience, and good leadership qualities can improve the accomplishments of our student council in Nov 15,  · Soal essay conditional sentence type 2, argumentative essay vocabulary words, how i spent my winter holiday essay words essay & council want evaluation on to essay for an i write movies to run student Why. Drugs essay topics. Durkheim social We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow more

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