In the scheme of the UPSC Mains examination, the essay paper plays a very important role. This paper carries a total of marks. Initially, the candidates were asked to write only 1 essay in 3 hours till , but after the change in syllabus, the challenge is now of writing 2 essays in 3 hours on diverse topics Upsc Civil Services Exam English Essay Paper Dropped, Creative Writing Workshop Names, Free Online Proofreading Essays And Editing, Narrative Essay About A Garden With help from the writers of Pro Homework Help, I was not only able to meet all my deadlines, but also scored well in my class “Writing Services” As I have already had some bad experiences with writing services, I Upsc Civil Services Exam English Essay Paper Dropped asked blogger.com to provide me with a draft of the work. They obliged and provided me with adraft of the work which I must say was a great piece of writing that impressed my professor as well
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Making it through the Civil Services Exam requires the right strategy, an immense amount of hard work, sincerity, and dedication. However, the enormous hard work done by one would bear the required fruit only when done in the right direction and for this one needs to know the pattern of questions asked in the UPSC CSE Exam.
Thus it becomes inevitable to refer to Previous Year UPSC Papers to keep track of the changing trend of UPSC IAS papers and head your preparation in the right direction. On analyzing these papers, you get an idea about the weightage of different topics and the number of static and dynamic questions being asked over the years.
So, solve more and more Previous Year UPSC Papers for a better understanding of the exam pattern and nature of questions asked. Water can dissolve more substances than any other liquid because a it is dipolar in nature b it is a good conductor of heat c it has a high value of specific heat d it is an oxide of hydrogen Answer: a Explanation: Water is capable of dissolving a variety of different substances, which is why it is such a good solvent.
This is important to every living thing on earth. It means that wherever water goes, either through the ground or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients. Water molecules have a polar arrangement of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms—one side hydrogen has a positive electrical charge and the other side oxygen had a negative charge.
This allows the water molecule to become attracted to many other different types of molecules. Water can become so heavily attracted upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped a different molecule, like salt NaClthat it can disrupt the attractive forces that hold the sodium and chloride in the salt molecule together and, thus, dissolve it. Therefore, the correct answer is a.
With reference to street lighting, how do sodium lamps differ from LED lamps? Select the correct answer using the codes given below: a 3 only b 2 only c 1 and 3 only d 1, 2 and 3 Answer: c Explanation: LED Chips are mounted on a circuit board, so depending on the configuration, usually degrees.
This is typically an advantage because the light is usually desired over a target area rather than all degrees around the bulb. So, statement 1 is correct. LEDs last longer than any light source commercially available on the market. LEDs are typically 40, — 60, Hours. So, statement 2 is not correct. High-pressure sodium lamps HPS emit a broader spectrum of light than low-pressure lamps, but they still have poorer color rendering than other types of lamps. Low-pressure sodium LPS lamps only give monochromatic yellow light and so inhibit color vision at night.
LPS lamps in particular are monochromatic which means that the objects illuminated by them appear shadowy black rather than the color you would see during daylight. HPS lamps are better but are still surpassed by virtually every other light on the market. LEDs can be designed to generate the entire spectrum of visible light colors without having to use the traditional color filters required by traditional lighting solutions.
So, statement 3 is correct. Therefore, the correct answer is c. It is an enzyme that generates small proteins — by cutting up the larger protein angiotensinogen — that then go on to regulate functions in the cell. Using the spike-like protein on its surface, the SARS-CoV-2 virus binds to ACE2.
Hence, ACE2 acts as a cellular doorway that is a receptor for the virus that causes COVID The spike protein of SARS-CoV2 can adopt at least 10 structural states in order to cling onto angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 ACE2 receptor cells in humans. Therefore, the correct answer is d. a Low-density polyethylene b Polycarbonate c Polyethylene terephthalate d Polyvinyl chloride Answer: b Explanation: Bisphenol A BPA is a chemical produced in large quantities for use primarily in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins.
Polycarbonate plastics have many applications including use in some food and drink packaging, e. Therefore, the correct answer is b. a Food preservatives b Fruit-ripening substances c Reused plastic containers d Toiletries Answer: d Explanation: Triclosan is a lipophilic compound with antimicrobial properties. It is an ingredient added to many consumer products intended to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination.
It is added to some antibacterial soaps and body washes, toothpaste, and some cosmetics. It also can be found in clothing, kitchenware, furniture, and toys. Which one of the following is a reason why astronomical distances are measured in light-years? a Distances among stellar bodies do not change b Gravity of stellar bodies does not change c Light always travels in a straight line d Speed of light is always the same. Answer: d Explanation: A light-year is a distance a beam of light travels in a vacuum in one year.
The reasons for measuring astronomical distances in light-years are familiar upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped like kilometers and miles are absurdly small for describing the vastness of the cosmos and the speed of light is both finite and constant with a value of approximately 2. We adopted parliamentary democracy based on the British model, but how does our model differ from that model? Select the correct answer using the code given below: a 1 only b 2 only c Both 1 and 2 d Neither 1 nor 2 Answer: a Explanation: Parliamentary sovereignty means that parliament is superior to the executive and judicial branches of government, and can therefore enact or repeal any law it chooses.
It is a cornerstone of the UK constitutional system. The Parliament of India is neither sovereign nor supreme. The authority and jurisdiction of Parliament are limited by the Powers of the other organs, the distribution of legislative powers between the Union and the States, fundamental rights Article 32Judicial review and an independent judiciary. Parliament cannot alter the basic features of the Constitution.
Matters related to the constitutionality of an amendment act can be referred by the SC to its constitutional bench, upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped. However, it is not mandatory for the SC to refer the matter to a constitution bench.
In the case of amendment of an ordinary act in many cases, the matters related to its constitutionality are dealt with by divisional benches.
With reference to the Union Government, consider the following statements: 1 N. Gopalaswamy Iyengar Committee suggested that a minister and a secretary be designated solely for pursuing the subject of administrative reform and promoting it.
Inon the recommendation of Paul H. Inupsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped, on the basis of the recommendations of the Administrative Reforms Commission, the Department of Personnel was set up in the Cabinet Secretariat. So, statement 2 is correct. a Article 15 b Article 19 c Article 21 d Article 29 Answer: c Explanation: In Augusta nine-judge bench of the Supreme Court in Justice K.
Puttaswamy Retd Vs Union of India unanimously held that Indians have a constitutionally protected fundamental right to privacy that is an intrinsic part of life and liberty under Article Consider the following statements: 1 In India, there is no law restricting the candidates from upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped in one Lok Sabha election from three constituencies.
a 1 only b 2 only c 1 and 3 d 2 and 3 Answer: b Explanation: As per Section 33 7 of the RPA, one candidate can contest from a maximum of two upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped more constituencies were allowed until when the RPA was amended to set the cap at two constituencies.
So, statement 1 is not correct. InHaryana deputy chief minister Devi Lal contested three Lok Sabha seats — Sikar, Rohtak, and Ferozepur — as well as the Ghirai assembly seat.
He lost them all. The costs of the by-elections in such cases are borne by the Election Commission Of India. So, statement 3 is not correct. The vegetation of the savannah consists of grassland with scattered small trees, but extensive areas have no trees. The forest development in such areas is generally kept in check by one or more or a combination of some conditions.
Which of the following are such conditions? Bush fires are common in Savannah because of the alternate wet and dry seasons which can modify the forest. Grazing intensity is a major reason for the type of Savannah, upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped, so Grazing herbivores do contribute to keeping a check on forests.
It has seasonal rainfall based on which it is divided into wet, dry, or thornbush. So, statement 5 is not correct. With reference to the water on the planet Earth, upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped, consider the following statements: 1 The amount of water in the rivers and lakes is more than the amount of groundwater. a 1 only b 2 only c Both 1 and 2 d Neither 1 nor 2 Answer: upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped Explanation: Water in groundwater is 0.
Consider the following statements: 1 Moringa drumstick tree is a leguminous evergreen tree 2 Tamarind tree is endemic to South Asia 3 In India, most of the tamarind is collected as minor forest produce 4 India exports tamarind and seeds of moringa 5 Seeds of moringa and tamarind can be used in the production of biofuels Which of the statements given above are correct?
a 1, 2, 4 and 5 b 3, 4 and 5 c 1, 3 and 4 d 1, 2, 3 and 5 Answer: b Explanation: It can be evergreen or semi-deciduous. Because of which is extensively being grown in semiarid regions in India.
So, Statement 4 is correct. So, statement 5 is correct. The black cotton soil of India has been upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped due to the weathering of a Brown forest soil b Fissure volcanic rock c Granite and schist d Shale and limestone Answer: b Explanation: Black soil is formed due to weathering or basalt rock or volcanic rocks. a 1 only b 2 only c Both 1 and 2 d Neither 1 nor 2 Answer: a Explanation: They are genetically modified and involve the use of genetic engineering to mimic the actual virus for which the vaccine is being produced, upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped.
Viruses and not bacteria are used as vectors to produce the vaccine and hence this statement is wrong. In the context of hereditary diseases, consider the following statements: 1 Passing on mitochondrial diseases from parent to child can be prevented by mitochondrial replacement therapy either before or after in vitro upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped of the egg.
a 1 only b 2 only c Both 1 and 2 d Neither 1 nor 2 Answer: a Explanation: The mitochondrial replacement therapy can be done either before or after in vitro fertilization. Two mitochondrial replacement techniques have been developed, maternal spindle transfer and pronuclear transfer.
The mitochondrial replacement approach is generic; instead of targeting a specific mutation, MRTs replace nearly all mitochondria and their resident mtDNA and so could be applied to any inherited mtDNA disease. In most people, primary mitochondrial disease is a genetic condition that can be inherited passed from parents to their children in several ways. Under normal circumstances, a child inherits genes in pairs — one gene from the mother upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped one from the father.
A child with a mitochondrial disease does NOT receive a normal upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped of genes from the parents. The gene has mutated — meaning it has become defective changed, upsc civil services exam english essay paper dropped. Learning the way a mitochondrial disease has been inherited helps predict the chance of passing on the disease s to future children.
Bollgard I and Bollgard II technologies are mentioned in the context of a Clonal propagation of crop plants b Developing genetically modified crop plants c Production of plant growth substances d Production of bio-fertilizers Answer: b Explanation: Bollgard I and Bollgard II are technologies to produce genetically modified crop plants for example BT cotton. So, others can be easily eliminated.
In a pressure cooker, the temperature at which the food is cooked depends mainly upon which of the following? a 1 and 2 only b 2 and 3 only c 1 and 3 only d 1, 2 and 3 Answer: a Explanation: Some bacteria can be grown in an artificial medium but some cannot. Consider the following statements: 1 Adenoviruses have single-stranded DNA genomes whereas retroviruses have double-stranded DNA genomes.
a 1 only b 2 only c Both 1 and 2 d Neither 1 nor 2 Answer: b Explanation: It is actually the opposite of the statement given. Adenoviruses have double-stranded DNA genomes while Retroviruses have single-stranded DNA genomes. Common cold can sometimes be caused by adenoviruses while AIDS is caused by a retrovirus.
Open Session on UPSC CSE-2021 - How to Maximise Score in Essay
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Upsc Civil Services Exam English Essay Paper Dropped, Popular Dissertation Conclusion Editing Websites For University, Uw Madison Dissertation Library, Business Plan /10() Nov 24, · Candidates can check blogger.com for more information on UPSC Mains Candidates should note that the exam will be divided into two sessions. From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., the first session will take place and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., the afternoon session will be held. The direct link for UPSC Civil Service (Mains) exam timetable is available Oct 23, · UPSC Previous Papers Making it through the Civil Services Exam requires the right strategy, an immense amount of hard work, sincerity, and dedication. However, the enormous hard work done by one would bear the required fruit only when done in the right direction and for this one needs to know the pattern of questions asked in the UPSC CSE
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